Wednesday, 19th October 2022
The VAC held its 82nd meeting on 29 September 2022, chaired by Mr John Godwin.
Key items of discussion included:
BRIG Laurie Lewis AM
The VAC acknowledged the passing of BRIG Laurie Lewis AM, inaugural member and former Chair of the VAC and his immense contribution to the South Australian veteran community.
Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
The VAC noted that the Interim Report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide had been released and the Director, Veterans SA gave on update on the latest meeting of the Royal Commission Support Unit and advised the timing and location of upcoming Hearing Blocks. It was resolved that the VAC’s previous submission and Notice to Give would be reviewed at the next meeting prior to the Adelaide Hearing Block scheduled for February 2023.
The VAC were advised that the working group on homelessness, led by Mr Nathan Klinge, VAC member and Chief Executive Officer of RSL-Care would begin a series of meetings in October and would present a final paper at the next VAC meeting. Topics for discussion to include
- Key issues for homeless veterans
- Upstream influences
- Referral pathways
- The role of the VAC
- The relationship between homeless veterans & the Royal Commission into Defence & Veteran Suicide
- Advice to the Minister
Anzac Day Commemoration Fund
The Chair advised that the 2022-23 round of the Anzac Day Commemoration Fund would open for applications on Monday, 3 October 2022 and close on 7 November 2022. A sub-committee of the VAC, chaired by Mr John Godwin would be formed to assess applications to the fund.
Veterans SA Update
The VAC received an update from Veterans SA Director, Ms Chantelle Bohan, on the current priorities of the agency, including:
- Regional outreach activities planned for 2023
- Veteran Partner Carer Roundtable – 3 November 2022
- Cowork Coplay Pilot Program planned for Term 1 2023
- Grant to AVSA for indigenous graves re-dedication program
- Grant round planned for projects to commemorate the end of WWII in 2025
VAC meeting 24 November 2022
The next meeting of the VAC is scheduled for 24 November 2022.
To contact the VAC directly regarding South Australian based veteran issues please email or via post:
Veterans SA
Level 4
151 Pirie Street
Adelaide SA 5000