Veterans’ Advisory Council

The Veterans’ Advisory Council (VAC) was established in April 2008 to promote the well-being of South Australian veterans.

The VAC provides advice to the South Australian Government about matters concerning the veteran community. Miranda van Hooff is currently the Acting Chair. The Council’s membership is made of individuals from the South Australian veteran community as well as representatives from the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force.

The VAC is guided by a Terms of Reference which outlines the council’s responsibilities and objectives.

Below you will find a summary of the key outcomes from recent VAC meetings.

Veterans’ Advisory Council – April 2024 Communique

May 2024|

The VAC held its 90th meeting on 18 April 2024, chaired by COL Rob Manton. Key items of discussion included: Northern Adelaide Veterans’ & Families Wellbeing Hub  The VAC received a briefing from Erika Nel, Clinical Services Manager – Specialised Services, Lived Lived Well, on the proposed Veterans’ and Families Wellbeing Hub in Northern Adelaide. The briefing included: History & [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – February 2024 Communique

Mar 2024|

The VAC held its 89th meeting on 15 February 2024, chaired by COL Rob Manton. Key items of discussion included: Public Holidays Bill 2023  An extra-ordinary meeting of the VAC was held on 4 December 2023 to discuss the Public Holidays Bill 2023. The Director advised that amendments to the Public Holidays Bill 2023, including reinstating the descriptor ‘Anzac Day’ [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – November 2023 Communique

Dec 2023|

The VAC held its 88th meeting on 23 November 2023, chaired by COL Rob Manton.   Key items of discussion included: Department for Correctional Services veterans update The VAC received a briefing from VAC member Chris Tilley in relation to the DCS Veteran Services Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025. Mr Tilley advised that DCS is committed to developing a strategy [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – September 2023 Communique

Oct 2023|

The VAC held its 87th meeting on 14 September 2023, chaired by COL Rob Manton.   Key items of discussion included: Senior Veterans – Maria Barclay  The VAC received a briefing from Ms Maria Barclay in relation to senior veterans with Gold and White treatment cards. Ms Barclay outlined issues faced by senior veterans entering into Home Care Packages with [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – July 2023 Communique

Aug 2023|

The VAC held its 86th meeting on 6 July 2023, chaired by COL Rob Manton.   Key items of discussion included: Royal Commission into Defence & Veterans’ Suicide   The VAC received a presentation from the Assistant Director, Communications & Community Engagement, Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans’ Suicide in preparation for the Adelaide Hearing Block beginning on Monday, 17 [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – May 2023 Communique

May 2023|

The VAC held its 85th meeting on 4 May 2023, chaired by COL Rob Manton.   Key items of discussion included: Census Data The VAC received a briefing from the Veterans and Families Policy Officer, Veterans SA, Mr Eric Parnis on ‘Census Data on South Australia’s Veteran Population’ based on the 2021 Australian Bureau of Statistics Census. The presentation included [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – February 2023 Communique

Mar 2023|

The VAC held its 84th meeting on 23 February 2023, chaired by COL Rob Manton.   Key items of discussion included: Veteran Homelessness The VAC received a briefing from the Chair of the VAC sub-committee on homelessness which included: Involvement in the Collaboration to Address Veteran Homelessness Forum held at RSL Victoria in February 2023 bringing together ex-service organisations, housing [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – November 2022 Communique

Dec 2022|

The VAC held its 83rd meeting on 24 November 2022, chaired by Mr John Godwin.   Key items of discussion included: Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide The VAC received an update on the progress of the Royal Commission and noted that the Adelaide hearing block had been rescheduled from February 2023 to later in the year. Members discussed [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – September 2022 Communique

Oct 2022|

The VAC held its 82nd meeting on 29 September 2022, chaired by Mr John Godwin.   Key items of discussion included: BRIG Laurie Lewis AM The VAC acknowledged the passing of BRIG Laurie Lewis AM, inaugural member and former Chair of the VAC and his immense contribution to the South Australian veteran community. Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – August 2022 Communique

Aug 2022|

The VAC held its 81st meeting on 11 August 2022, chaired by Mr John Godwin. The Hon Geoff Brock MP, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs was in attendance for the initial part of the meeting. Key items of discussion included: Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide The Interim Report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide was released [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – July 2022 Communique

Jul 2022|

The next meeting of the VAC is scheduled for 28 July 2022. At its last (80th) meeting the key agenda item considered by the VAC was Veteran Homelessness. The VAC received presentations from Mr Nathan Klinge (VAC member and CEO of RSL Care/Andrew Russell Veteran Living Centre and Mr Chris Burns (VAC member and CEO Hutt St Centre) and considered [...]

Veterans’ Advisory Council – March 2022 Communique

Apr 2022|

From the Chair The VAC held its 79th meeting on 31st March 2022 as a hybrid meeting.  The Hon Geoff Brock MP, Minister for Veterans Affairs (South Australia) attended for the initial part of the meeting. Department for Correctional Services Veterans’ Update The VAC was provided with an update from the Department for Correctional Services (DCS) and discussed issues relating to [...]

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