Media Contacts
Joanna Tsoukalas
Strategic Communications Manager
0403 124 556
08 8463 7147

Friday, 14th July 2023
The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide will commence its tenth public hearing in Adelaide next week.
During proceedings, Commissioners will hear from organisations, State and Commonwealth Government representatives and individuals about past experiences and challenges affecting the veteran community.
Established in July 2021, the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide is examining systemic issues and risk factors relevant to suicide and suicidal behaviours of serving and ex-serving Defence members.
Home to more than 47,000, current and former serving ADF members, South Australia has an opportunity to provide valuable input to the Royal Commission and contribute to the implementation of positive and long-term change for the veteran community.
Written submissions to the Royal Commission remain open until 13 October 2023, anyone with information relevant to the inquiry is encouraged to make a submission.
Support is available to make a submission safely and confidentially or for those affected by the proceedings in Adelaide.
Qualified councillors, social workers, and psychologists with extensive Royal Commission support experience can be accessed by calling 1800 329 085 (9am to 5.00pm AEST, Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm).
The Defence and Veteran Legal Service provides free, independent legal advice to serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel and their families, carers and supporters. The service can be contacted Monday to Friday on 1800 331 800.
For more information on how to make a submission, visit
To watch the video recordings or read the transcripts of Hearing 10, click here.