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Thursday, 27th July 2023
Tom Koutsantonis MP
Acting Minister for Veterans Affairs
Today, on Korean Veterans’ Day, we commemorate 70 years since the end of the hostilities of the Korean War, which claimed the lives of 350 brave Australians over its three-year duration.
Australia committed 18,000 personnel from the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Regular Army and the Royal Australian Air Force to the defence of South Korea between 1950 to 1953.
Occurring between two high-profile wars – World War II and the Vietnam War – the Korean War is often referred to as the “forgotten war” and sadly many veterans of this conflict returned home to an Australian public indifferent to a distant war that had ended in a difficult stalemate.
A military aircraft flyover is scheduled to take place at 11am today over the National War Memorial on North Terrace to acknowledge the anniversary of the signing of the armistice on 27 July 1953, bringing an end to the Korean War.
Lest we forget.
Quotes attributable to Tom Koutsantonis
The Korean War played an important role in Australia’s position globally, ensuring peace and safety in the Pacific region.
On behalf of all South Australians, I thank those who served in the Korean War and recognise the great sacrifices made by all who participated.