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Veterans SA is committed to advocating for and implementing programs that benefit and improve outcomes for the veteran community in South Australia. This year's Action Plan details our approach to turning this commitment into tangible actions

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Veterans SA is dedicated to delivering positive outcomes for the South Australian veteran community.

With the new financial year well underway, we are pleased to release the Veterans SA 2024-25 Action Plan update to our Strategic Outlook.

The Action Plan has been shaped through consultation with veterans and their families across the state. Conducted between September 2023 and April 2024, consultation activities included regional and metro outreach, round table meetings, polls and surveys.

Representative of the diverse needs of the community, the Action Plan outlines initiatives that will be delivered by Veterans SA to support a strong and vibrant veteran community and provide meaningful outcomes – both now and into the future.

Veterans SA Director Bianca Wheeler welcomed the release of the 2024-25 Action Plan.

“Nearly 48,000 South Australians have served or are currently serving in the Australian Defence Force and they are supported every day by a strong and resilient network of partners, children, family and friends,” Ms Wheeler said.

“Veterans SA is committed to advocating for and implementing programs that benefit and improve outcomes for the veteran community in South Australia. This year’s Action Plan details our approach to turning this commitment into tangible actions.”

Joining Veterans SA in July, Ms Wheeler is looking forward to connecting with and hearing from members across the community as initiatives are rolled out.

The Veterans SA 2024-25 Action Plan outlines activities under the agency’s four strategic pillars:

  • Connect and Collaborate
  • Empower and Equip
  • Educate and Raise Awareness
  • Honour Service

In 2024-25, Veterans SA will continue to foster connections with the veteran community by leveraging successful initiatives including the SA Veteran Employer Network. Since it was launched in January 2023, the network has grown from 15 to 27 member companies, with more than 60 candidates attending the most recent Member-Candidate networking event in August. The continuation of the SA Veteran Employer Network this year aims to grow the network further, achieving outcomes through networking, candidate sharing, mentoring and guidance.

At a regional level, Veterans SA will continue to connect and deliver activities that inform regional community organisations about military service and how best to support local veterans in their communities.

Following the successful Copper Coast Veterans Forum earlier this year, the agency has also recognised a need for more awareness around the aged care system and will investigate the feasibility of an Aged Care symposium to support older veterans to navigate the aged care system and entitlements.

Created as a valuable resource for the community, Home Base SA will once again come to the fore as a reliable tool for current and former serving members and their families staying in, moving to or thinking of transitioning to South Australia. This year, Veterans SA will focus on promoting the resource to ensure that it’s better accessed and leveraged by the community.

Administration barriers faced by members of the veteran community will also be investigated in 2024-25 to help improve access to employment (licences and registrations), education and training opportunities.

Crucially, Veterans SA awaits the final report from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide. Following a thorough review of its recommendations, the agency will consider and develop local strategies and actions aimed at improving outcomes for South Australia’s veteran community.

Learn more about the Veterans SA 2024-25 Action Plan

We will facilitate connection and collaboration with and among the South Australian veteran and Defence community and the wider South Australian community to build a strong and effective ecosystem.

  • Facilitate connections between current and former serving ADF members and Defence spouses to employment pathways and opportunities through the SA Veteran Employer Network.
  • Facilitate connection and collaboration between ex-service organisations and the wider community through Community Connection events.
  • Participate in ADF events (including ADF Transition Seminars and Welcome Days) and provide feedback and state-specific guidance to organisers.
  • Deliver activities that educate regional community organisations about military service and empower them to support veterans in their community.
  • Promote veteran related support services, programs and events through social media and other channels.
  • Participate in the Veterans’ Ministerial Council (VMC) and Commonwealth State & Territory Committee (CSTC) and associated working groups.

We will empower and build capacity within the South Australian veteran and Defence community through evidence and research-informed education, programs and initiatives.

  • Provide consultation opportunities for the veteran community to engage with Veterans SA to ensure activities are focused on issues of relevance.
  • Empower veterans and their families by publishing stories and content that highlight veteran success and growth to challenge stereotypes.
  • Increase awareness of Home Base SA as a reliable online resource for current and former serving ADF members and Defence spouses.
  • Build the capability of members of the veteran community through mentoring and professional development initiatives.
  • Facilitate opportunities for the veteran community to seek personal and professional growth through evidence-based programs and initiatives.
  • Deliver regional outreach initiatives to educate veterans about the services and support available to them.
  • Explore support and engagement opportunities for young people in the Defence and veteran community.
  • Investigate initiatives to reduce the unique administrative barriers experienced by the veteran community in relation to employment (licences, registrations), education and training.
  • Investigate the feasibility of an Aged Care symposium to educate older veterans about navigating the aged care system.
  • Provide funding assistance to organisations that support veterans and their families through the Capacity Building Grant Fund.

Provide funding assistance to veterans and spouses to undertake higher education and training to improve future career prospects.

We will educate the South Australian public about the value and positive impact that veterans and veteran families bring to the South Australian community.

  • Publish stories and content and work with local media to challenge the stereotypes around veterans and highlight the value veterans and their families bring to the community.
  • Advocate for the needs of veterans requiring aged care support, including the needs of their support people.
  • Advocate for the needs of veterans and their families across state government and to external stakeholders.
  • Educate employers on the value of veterans and spouses in the workplace through the SA Veteran Employer Network.
  • Engage with peak industry bodies to highlight veterans as a valuable workforce that can help to fill skills shortages.
  • Partner with stakeholders looking to build knowledge and understanding around the experiences of veterans and their families to inform future initiatives.
  • Educate the veteran and wider community about research undertaken in the veteran space and what services and opportunities are available.
  • Collaborate with Suicide Prevention Networks to increase awareness and understanding of military service to support veterans across the state.

We will honour the service and sacrifice of service people and the experiences of the families that support them.

  • Provide financial assistance through grant funds to ensure that dates of significance are appropriately recognised.
  • Provide financial assistance through grant funds to facilitate projects and initiatives that honour those who have served and South Australia’s military history through the Commemorative Services Grant Fund.
  • Support veterans and their families to better understand the state-based concessions available to them.