Our efforts helped secure peace, laying the groundwork for the development of local governance and infrastructure. The 25th year anniversary of Australia’s involvement provides the opportunity to honour and remember the service of all Australians who served in Timor-Leste

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On the 25th anniversary of Australia’s service in Timor-Leste, Veterans SA spoke with two former serving members to reflect on their experiences during the peacekeeping mission.

For Ilona Horan, Director of Corporate Services at Defence SA, reflecting on her time serving in Timor-Leste brings a renewed sense of pride.

As the Operations Lieutenant within Force Logistics Squadron 2, Ilona was deployed on Operation Tanager with the Australian Regular Army from December 2000 to June 2001.  Based in Dili, Ms Horan and her unit – which consisted of around 120 Defence personnel – were responsible for the delivery of bottled water, rations and fuel to Australia’s deployed elements.

Reflecting on her service and the 25th anniversary of the deployment of the International Force East Timor (INTERFET), Ilona said Australia’s support was a key factor in the nation achieving and sustaining stability and independence today.

“My unit’s involvement supported Australian forces who provided crucial stability during a volatile period, supporting the Timorese as they worked toward rebuilding their nation,” she said.

“Our efforts helped secure peace, laying the groundwork for the development of local governance and infrastructure. The 25th year anniversary of Australia’s involvement provides the opportunity to honour and remember the service of all Australians who served in Timor-Leste.”

Commencing in 1999, Australia’s main role in the INTERFET peacekeeping force spanned almost 15 years until 2013, with many Australians continuing to serve after this time.

Anthony Heath, Defence SA’s Director Defence Industry based in London, served in Timor-Leste in 2006 – a time of widespread violence and civil unrest. His deployment to Timor had a profound personal impact and inspired his efforts supporting the establishment of vital medical services that continue to this day.

Anthony was deployed to Timor-Leste as the Commanding Officer of the Defence Cooperation Program (DCP), which was focused on training and capacity building within the Timor-Leste Defence Force.

Following his involvement in the DCP, he returned regularly to Timor-Leste to rehabilitate the Timorese Ambulance Service and provide medical supplies to various church-run clinics in more remote regions. He also helped establish a medical clinic in Dili, specialising in pregnancy support and antenatal care.

”Timor-Leste is a place that gets under your skin,” reflects Anthony. “You immediately fall in love with the extraordinary landscapes, vibrant culture and the people; whom you can’t help but admire for their faith and resilience.”

Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the commencement of the INTERFET’s presence in Timor-Leste. The Australian-led multinational peacekeeping taskforce was authorised through a United Nations Security Council Resolution, to assist with restoring peace and security in Timor-Leste. More than 5,500 Australian Defence Force members served as part of INTERFET, alongside personnel from more than 20 contributing nations.

Minister for Veterans Affairs Joe Szakacs and Veterans SA Director Bianca Wheeler attended a Commemorative Service to mark the 25th anniversary of Australian service in Timor-Leste at the Australian Peacekeeping Memorial in Canberra on Friday 20 September, while the Veterans SA team and Veterans’ Advisory Council Deputy Chair Miranda Van Hooff attended a South Australian service with RSL SA.