Veterans SA is pleased to support this important project that honours the memory of South Australians in our military history and ensures their sacrifices are never forgotten

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More than a century after it was erected, an addition to the historic St Peters Heroes Memorial will recognise the names of local service personnel who served in World War II (WWII), providing a dedicated place of remembrance for the community.

Officially unveiled at this year’s Remembrance Day service by the Governor of South Australia, Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, the project received $8265 in funding through Veterans SA’s 2023-24 Anzac Day Commemoration Fund, to support research, the manufacturing of a name plaque and lighting upgrade at the memorial.

Led by the St Peter’s Residents Association, the project commenced in 2023 under the guidance of local heritage consultant & historian Denise Schumann to undertake research to identify people who served in the conflict that were connected with the former Town of St Peters.

The team of volunteers explored resources including the Australian War Memorial, local council minutes, school records, honour rolls, newspapers and genealogy records to identify local names to be commemorated.

The names of 89 WWII veterans now have a permanent place of honour at the site, where they have been cast onto a bronze plaque that has been fixed to the memorial. Illuminated by newly installed ground lighting, they join the names of 145 local service people who served in World War I and were added to the memorial in 2017.

President of the St Peters Residents Association David Cree said the memorial underscores the significance of preserving historical information that is important to the local community.

“I would like to thank Veterans SA for their support of the project and the many others who have shown an interest in ensuring these 89 men now have a permanent place of remembrance in St Peters,” Mr Cree said.

“The reading of the names by the School Captains of Prince Alfred College and St Peters College at the dedication was particularly poignant, as many of those who died were their age, or not much older.”

Veterans SA Director Bianca Wheeler said the project would help raise awareness about the contributions of those who served during World War II.

“Veterans SA is pleased to support this important project that honours the memory of South Australians in our military history and ensures their sacrifices are never forgotten,” Ms Wheeler said.