The Veterans’ Advisory Council (VAC) was established in April 2008 to promote the well-being of South Australian veterans.
The VAC provides advice to the South Australian Government about matters concerning the veteran community. Miranda van Hooff is currently the Acting Chair. The Council’s membership is made of individuals from the South Australian veteran community as well as representatives from the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force.
The VAC is guided by a Terms of Reference which outlines the council’s responsibilities and objectives.
Below you will find a summary of the key outcomes from recent VAC meetings.
VAC Key Outcomes – June 2020
A forward focus on strategic long term plans and governance The South Australian Veterans Advisory Council (VAC) met on 11 June, 2020 to discuss a range of issues impacting on, and relevant to, South Australians who have served and their families. The focus of the meeting was on two strategic matters of importance: a preliminary briefing on the concept masterplan [...]
VAC Key Outcomes – April 2020
A Veterans’ Advisory Council (VAC) meeting was held on Thursday 9 April 2020 via the Zoom online meeting platform. The meeting was chaired by recently appointed VAC Chair, Colonel Susan Neuhaus CSC (Retd). Colonel Susan Neuhaus CSC (Retd) Susan Neuhaus is a distinguished ex-Army officer and highly respected senior surgeon. She has strong networks across Defence, Health, Research, Government [...]
VAC Key Outcomes – February 2020
A Veterans’ Advisory Council (VAC) meeting was held on Thursday 13 February 2020. The meeting was chaired by Major Sally Heidenreich who introduced the new members of the VAC. Commander Alastair Cooper Commander Alastair Cooper joined the Royal Australian Navy in 1988. A Maritime Warfare Officer, he served at sea in HMA Ships Canberra (II), Melbourne (IV) and Fremantle [...]