Thursday, 2nd March 2023
The VAC held its 84th meeting on 23 February 2023, chaired by COL Rob Manton.
Key items of discussion included:
Veteran Homelessness
The VAC received a briefing from the Chair of the VAC sub-committee on homelessness which included:
- Involvement in the Collaboration to Address Veteran Homelessness Forum held at RSL Victoria in February 2023 bringing together ex-service organisations, housing industry and government representatives.
- Launch of Veterans’ Toolkit for Community Housing – empowering the community housing sector to understand the veteran community and available support services.
Anzac Centenary Memorial Walk
The VAC endorsed a policy statement and criteria for any future changes to the Anzac Centenary Memorial Walk pavers.
Clarification of definition of an Ex-Service Organisation (ESO)
The VAC agreed to seek a review of the definition of an ESO by the Federal Minister for Veterans’ Affairs as it applies to grant processing.
Veterans SA Update
The VAC received an update from Veterans SA Director, Ms Chantelle Bohan, on the current priorities of the agency, including:
- Co-work Co-play Launch on 23 February – 9 participants in career development opportunity for military spouses
- Mentoring program – second program launching on 15 March with changes in eligibility
- Regional outreach – Lucindale Field Day 17-18 March – Veterans SA site sharing arrangement with Legacy, Military & Emergency Services Health Australia, Australian Partners of Defence, Disaster Relief Australia and Open Arms.
- Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
- Northern Adelaide Veterans’ Wellbeing Centre consultations
Ongoing Matters
The VAC remains seized of the following matters:
- the state government’s review of concessions for South Australians,
- the consultation process regarding veterans’ legislation,
- the proposed Northern Adelaide Wellbeing Centre, and
- The Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans’ Suicide
The next meeting of the VAC is scheduled for 4 May 2023
To contact the VAC directly regarding South Australian based veteran issues please email or via post:
Veterans SA
Level 4
151 Pirie Street
Adelaide SA 5000