Media Releases

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Joanna Tsoukalas
Strategic Communications Manager
0403 124 556
08 8463 7147 

Veterans prioritised in federal budget

Oct 2022|Tags: |

The Hon Richard Marles MP Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Defence The Hon Matt Keogh MP Minister for Veterans' Affairs Minister for Defence Personnel The Australian Government is investing in a better future for Defence personnel, veterans and families, responding to important recommendations put forward by the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide and delivering on commitments from the [...]

New funding to ensure First Nations veterans remembered

Sep 2022|

First Nations veterans who have been laying in unmarked graves, or graves that have fallen into disrepair, will be appropriately recognised and commemorated thanks to new funding announced for Aboriginal Veterans South Australia (AVSA) today. The AVSA Grave Dedication Project began in 2016, with the return to country of the remains of World War One Ngarrindjeri veteran, Miller Mack, from [...]

South Australia reflects on 75 years of peacekeeping operations

Sep 2022|

Today marks 75 years since the first Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel were deployed under a United Nations mandate to provide peacekeeping support to the Dutch East Indies during its independence struggle in 1947. Since this time, tens of thousands of Australians have served in multinational operations to maintain peace and help rebuild communities. From the first peacekeepers deployed to [...]

Grant applications open to support veteran organisations

Aug 2022|

Geoff Brock MP Minister for Veterans Affairs Veteran and ex-service organisations will once again have the opportunity to apply for funding to support and strengthen their organisation, with the opening of the 2022-2023 Commemorative Services and Capacity Building grant rounds today. Established in January 2022, the two grant funds support organisations to assist with the costs of delivering commemorative events [...]

South Australia remembers veterans of the Vietnam War

Aug 2022|

Geoff Brock MP Minister for Veterans Affairs Vietnam Veterans’ Day provides South Australians an opportunity to pause to remember and reflect on the experiences of the 60,000 men and women who served our nation throughout the Vietnam War. It is commemorated on 18 August each year, on the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in 1966, where Australian soldiers [...]

Veterans SA joins forces with veteran service organisations for Riverland Field Days

Aug 2022|Tags: |

Veterans SA will be attending the 2022 Riverland Field Days to connect veterans and their families in the region with services and support. The agency recently consulted with the local veteran community inviting input on the services they wanted to meet with at the Field Days. As a result, Veterans SA will be joined by Open Arms - Veterans & [...]

Commemorative paver to honour Thailand veterans unveiled

Aug 2022|

Geoff Brock MP Minister for Veterans Affairs A commemorative paver will be unveiled at the ANZAC Centenary Memorial Walk today to recognise Australian service personnel who have served in Thailand throughout Australia’s military history. The paver will be officially unveiled by South Australia’s last surviving veteran of the Thailand-Burma Railway, Mr Keith “Chook” Fowler of the 2nd/3rd Machine Gun Battalion, [...]

Interim Report on Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide released

Aug 2022|

Geoff Brock MP Minister for Veterans Affairs The South Australian Government has welcomed the release of the interim report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. The Royal Commission’s interim report outlines preliminary observations in key areas including theories of suicide, data and suicide prevention, coronial processes, families, ADF culture, transition from the ADF, and consideration of what [...]

Census shines light on South Australian veterans

Jul 2022|Tags: |

New data collected in the 2021 Census has revealed South Australia’s veteran population is more than double the figure previously on record. The census data released on 28 June 2022, has identified that at least 3.2 per cent (47,852) of the state’s population are currently or have previously served in the Australian Defence Force (ADF). While records exist for current [...]

New grants fund to sprout support for South Australian veterans

Feb 2022|Tags: |

Non-government organisations can now apply for funding of up to $5,000 (ex GST) to support projects that make a difference to their local veteran community. Veterans SA Director, Chantelle Bohan said the Veterans SA Seed Funding Grant was created for organisations who are addressing the evolving needs of veterans and their families. “There are a number of organisations in the [...]

Grant opportunities open to support veterans and ex-service organisations

Jan 2022|

Veteran and ex-service organisations will have the opportunity to apply for funding through two new grant programs announced by Veterans SA today. The Commemorative Services and Capacity Building grant programs have been established to support ex-service organisations to deliver commemorative events and assist in building capacity and capability within organisations. Veterans SA Director Chantelle Bohan said the new grants would [...]

Grants open for our veteran community

Dec 2021|

The Hon Andrew Gee MP: The 2021-22 rounds of the Veteran and Community Grants and Supporting Younger Veterans Grants are now open for applications. Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel Andrew Gee said the grants deliver valuable funding to local community organisations providing activities and services that support the wellbeing of veterans and their families. “Recent grant funding has [...]

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